Some theory of autoguiding strain wave / HD Mounts

The new Harmonic Drive (HD) or strain wave gear (SWG) mounts (strain wave gear, Harmonic Drive – Wikipedia (Strain wave gearing - Wikipedia) are currently very popular. They are very light weight and need no balancing of the OTA, which makes them easy to transport. A reason why I bought a WarpAstron WD-20 mount by myself. 30 kg less weight for my 10”/ f4.5 (F=1200mm) Newton system to carry up and down a narrow staircase is a great help.

Starting with the classic approach on my autoguiding parameters, I was able to reduce my RA rms to <0.4”. But although getting a low rms, in classical thinking, I had a lot of bad quality images, with my F=1200mm focal length, 1”/arcsec image resolution and 600s exposure time for narrow band images. The stars had mostly a double and even triple star structure.

When diving deeper into this issue and when reading posts in international forums, it became apparent that most users (including myself at the beginning) do not understand that these mounts require completely different settings for guiding. They behave very different to classic mounts with worm gears. Additionally, the current autoguiding algorithms are (still?) not really tailored to these kind of mounts. Users and manufacturers tend to describe the quality of their mount by using the RA rms value of a PHD2 log. But the autoguiding algorithms are not able to calculate this value for strain wave mounts correctly. It is in most cases off by up to a factor of 2 and larger than reported.

I only understood what was happening in the background after discussions, including private ones, with Kook Chen (w7ay) in the ZWO forum. Here is a link (Chen) “Auto-guiding Mounts With Large Periodic Error Slopes” (Strain Wave Guiding) to a paper by him in which he explains the theoretical background. In the following I will try to summarize the major parts of his paper, add some supplements, and present conclusions for setting or optimizing important parameters for autoguiding. As it is quite complex subject, I will try to keep the things hopefully understandable for everyone.

Let’s get started…

The main difference between the classic mounts with worm gears and the HD mounts, without going into the mechanics, is the lower weight of the HD mounts and that they do not need to be balanced. This makes them perfect for mobile use, as already mentioned. Unfortunately, compared to conventional mounts, strain wave mounts have a very high periodic gear error (PE), with a maximum usually between 20 - 60 arcseconds and a period between 300s - 600s. As an example, in Figure 1 you can see the PE curve of my WD-20 mount (Fig. 1), which shows a fairly clean sine wave (period length about 360s) and no higher harmonic oscillations in the frequency diagram (Fig. 2), nearly perfect… nearly.

Fig. 1: Periodic errors of a WarpAstron WD-20 mount with a 21 kg OTA load. Guide graph of a night with exposures of 600s. The partially visible steps are caused by dithering after each image.

Fig. 2: Frequency diagram of the periodic error from Fig. 1 with a main peak at F=361s. Harmonic oscillations at 1/2F, 1/3F, or 2/3F are not visible.

Without autoguiding these mounts cannot be used, as their tracking speed deviates by 0.3"/s - 0.6"/s and sometimes even more from the sidereal tracking speed (STS = 15"/s), resulting in star trail images. This maximum speed deviation can be read from (Fig. 3) as the maximum slope of the curve. In the example, it is about 0.6"/s. Please note that within a period of 360s (A to A), the mount runs twice 0.6"/s faster (points A) and once -0.6"/s (point B) slower than STS. At the maximum and minimum C, the mount runs almost perfect. The slope or speed of the mount changes considerably but over a relatively long period of time.

Fig. 3: Determination of the maximum slope, the maximum speed deviation of the mount’s movement from the optimal tracking speed.

Theoretically, according to common opinion, these errors can be nicely compensated by the autoguiding algorithms, as the change in speed happens very slowly, making the PE error very easy to correct. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, not very easy and very dependent on the parameters of the autoguiding algorithm.

Let’s take a closer look at the common theory.

A) Autoguiding, Guide Rate (GR), FPS Guiding

The constraints for all the following theoretical considerations are perfect seeing, no nocturnal animals bumping into the mount, wind gusts, etc. Assumptions in the following example: Framerate of the guiding camera (GC) = 1fps (1 frame per second), guide rate GR = 0.5x STS equals GR=7.5"/s (WarpAstron language: guide rate = pulse guide rate).

With these assumptions, how does guiding work when the mount is near point A (Fig.3) of the highest slope of the PE (with the highest speed ahead of STS)?

The movement of the guide star during autoguiding and the correction is shown in Fig. 4. At the end of the first frame the star position is estimated by the autoguiding algorithm, and the correction value K (in arcsec) is calculated. As result the mount is instructed to run slower for a time N = K/GR with GR=0.5x STS. In the example, the length of the correction pulse for an 0.6” error is only 50 ms (Note: in Fig. 4 this length is shown out of scale for better illustration).

Fig. 4: Sawtooth of the movement of the guide star in a x-t diagram (Extended Fig. 4.1 from (Chen)). Green is the movement of the guide star. Note: The pulse length is drawn much longer here for better illustration than the calculated 50 ms.

The guide star moves in phase A with a slope/speed of 0.6"/s in the 1s per frame by 0.6" away from the target point. Since the pulse length of the correction pulse is very short, 50 ms compared to the 1s per frame, the guide star is pushed back by the correction pulse in 50ms (the mount is not moving back but moves N seconds with -GR slower than STS). After the correction pulse it moves again with 0.6"/s ahead and is nearly back to 0.6" distance at the end of the second frame. This movement occurs in every frame and the star is oscillating between 0" and 0.6" from the target point. After 0.5 x F at point B, half the period, the slope is negative and the sawtooth flips to the negative side of the zero line. The guide star will oscillate between 0 and -0.6". This means that for an exposure with an exposure time close to, or greater, than 0.5xF, each star is imaged as a trail in the RA direction with a length of 2x 0.6" = 1.2"!

For the optimal guiding parameters this means:

  1. Reducing the exposure time of a guiding frame by 50% (double fps) reduces the length of the star trail by 50%, halving the star trail length. The rms as a potential quality value is reduced by half!

  2. Since this error is very large (1.2”), the guiding algorithm must react as quickly as possible. This means MinMo (Minimal Move), the value of the deviation of the star position in pixels at which autoguiding reacts/corrects, must be as small as possible. Theoretically, the aggression should be 100%, otherwise the correction pulse does not pull the star back to the zero line until the mount decelerates again (2nd derivative of the PE is acceleration).

The most important conclusion is to work with as many FPS as possible when autoguiding!

We would almost be at the end here, but the attentive reader will have already noticed that we made a crucial mistake. We assumed that the guiding algorithm takes the position of the star at the end of each frame as the position to calculate the correction pulse. We assumed that the guiding camera sees a point-like centroid, but this is not the case!

B) The incorrect correction of the autoguiding algorithm

The guiding camera never sees a point-like star in phase A or B (Fig. 3), but in the example always a star trail of 0.6" length. The position of the centroid (which is a line) is taken as the mean or median value of the line, which is roughly the middle of the star trail not the end. Thus, in the example, the guiding algorithm will calculate the deviating position of the star not as 0.6" but as 0.3". The correction pulse will therefore correct only 0.3" at the beginning of the second frame and not 0.6" as we discussed initially. Thus, the star at the end of the second frame is not at 0.6" but at 0.9" distance (see also Fig. 5). The guide star moves from a to b, but the calculated correction value is a* and b*.

Fig. 5: Movement and position of the guide star in blue and the calculated star position and correction value on the dashed green line (Chen).

This is very bad because, theoretically, with this type of guiding (one-pulse-per-exposure paradigm), the guiding algorithm cannot catch up with the PE, as it calculates the wrong, much too small correction. It only manages to do so when the leading mount movement slows down again. However, we see the similar behavior at point B (Fig. 3) on the negative side of the target point. As a result, the actual star trail in the image is at least 1.5 - 2 times longer as previously assumed >1.8" - 2.4"! The rms value given by PHD2 is also calculated more than a factor of 0.5 too low! The rms value is wrong and only gives an indication of the image quality. With longer exposures over a full PE period, you might often see a double star like images because the sawtooth no longer returns to the zero line but oscillates distant to the zero line, above (phase A) and below (phase B). Every owner of a strain wave mount must be aware of this problem!

However, could this be improved or corrected in practice? One solution would be to adjust and change the position calculation of the autoguiding algorithms for this type of mount. Second, obviously, algorithms that recognize the PE slope and change the correction proactively are very helpful (as implemented in PHD2 as PPEC). Another simpler solution would be to set the guide rate (pulse guide rate in WarpAstron language) of the mount equal or at least nearly to the max PE slope (e.g., 0.6"/s) (~0.04x STS). Then the correction pulse would exactly eliminate the speed error within one guiding frame. The guiding camera would see a (nearly) point-like guide star at the end of the frame, resulting in correctly calculated error correction.

  1. Set the guide rate (pulse guide rate in WarpAstron language) as low as possible to optimize the calculation of the correction value.

Some readers will now say, but I see “round” stars, how can that be? My answer to that, besides a short focal length, large camera pixels, short exposure times, etc.:

C) Seeing is your best friend

This statement is sounds strange, but unfortunately, there is some truth to it. Seeing leads to irregularities in the position determination of the guide star and helps the autoguiding algorithm to correct more than theoretically possible by chance. Additionally, the stars are more smeared, and you no longer see the error in the image. Probably a reason why most users do not see some of the above-mentioned issues. The better the seeing and the better the image scale of the system (arcsec/pixel), the more likely you will see the errors. Of course, there is a balance point in practice. Here, everyone must find an optimum between seeing and FPS. The topic of aggression is also relevant here. The higher the aggression, the more susceptible the guiding is to oscillations, especially if the PE of the mount still has more harmonic oscillations.


An OAG does not bring any improvement in tracking accuracy with the described errors; it is irrelevant whether using a guide scope or an OAG, the max PE slope is an absolute error. The only advantage is that the image scale is larger, and the guiding algorithm can react faster.

That’s it for now. In some passages, I was a bit imprecise, but I wanted to present everything as understandably as possible. For those who like more formulas, please read the paper by Chen referenced at the beginning, which also discusses the theory of multi-star guiding. Once you understand the basic principle of autoguiding mounts with high PE, you can tune your guiding parameters in the right direction, and everyone must find their own golden point.

Another comment I can’t resist, forget about this RMS value from the guiding log. It is not a measure of good imaging; it only gives an indication of possible good imaging. Comparing RMS values is completely pointless with this type of mount.

At the very end… I love my WD-20! I found my balance point for the guiding parameters, even with using an AsiAir where I have no PPEC. It is high quality manufactured. There are not many harmonics like with other strain wave mounts, which make things even worse. If you follow some of the recommendations, you will have fun with it.

Clear skies

(I posted this in a German forum and referred to this already in the WarpAstron Discord channel)

Nice one Markus.
It is rare to find such an in depth analysis on a forum. Many thanks for sharing. Some of what you say was implemented in StarAid (sadly unavailable I think) and follows trends set by Metaguide. Like you, my mount’s max slope is 0.6"/sec.

There is an underlying principle - put the least energy into the mount .i.e. don’t thrash about. PHD’s RMS value with short guide intervals is mostly picking up seeing, as it does at high declination too. The mantra to put the least energy into the mount also works for belt drives (Avalon), where you don’t want to put vibrations into the rubber belt.

This obviously does not talk about DEC settings. With rapid guiding, my RMS DEC values have historically been higher than the RA values on all three of my harmonic drive models. I would love to be able to select different guide rates for RA and DEC.
If I disable DEC guiding, I have a smoother PHD2 trace, but with an overall slow drift.

With low backlash mounts, resist switch is not ideal and I have historically used hysteresis. That is tricky with a harmonic drive and it is easy to oscillate.
The Low Pass filters (esp. LP2) work best in good seeing and so I tried using Z-filter on Declination, with a 10-15x factor. It works brilliantly; with good PA, my DEC corrections are few and far between. Absolutely ideal for a well aligned mount.
kind regards
Chris Woodhouse

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A Thankyou to Markus as well from myself, while some of the technical stuff was a bit difficult I get the gest of it, also thanks buzz for the additional info on your findings. I have not gotten to the point yet to try my new WD-20 with my ES-127 scope, I’ve just gotten NINA to recognize the mount so far. I had been using an old EQ-6 mount with that OTA for years using EQ-Mod, NINA, Polemaster, PHD2 plus other software and could no longer lift that gear into my rig for travel to dark sky, the WD-20 is a whole lot lighter to manage. I was just physically searching the mount with my OTA attached for some place to mount the polemaster and figure about the only place I might find will be on the counterweights! Mind you it could be I won’t use the polemaster because of that and might therefore have to investigate NINA’s polar alignment routine or install SharpCap. Where I live here in Newfoundland the jet stream is almost always right above me so good seeing is almost never, so I’ll have some experimenting to do in PHD2’s settings, should be fun. Thanks again to you both.
Robert Babb

An interesting discussion. I have downloaded the referenced paper and will spend time studying it as I wait for delivery of my WD 20:-). My use cases are such that I suspect this will rarely be an issue for me, but I find the topic interesting. I was particularly struck by the frequency plot for the WD 20. I have spent a lot of time with PEMPro and my Losmandy G11T, and I am very used to seeing multiple harmonics the correlate to different gears in the train. It is quite impressive to see such a smooth curve. I can absolutely see how fast corrections coupled with PPEC in PHD2 would be effective in dampening that single major harmonic.



The challenge is adopting point 3) and using the lowest possible guide rate, so it is effectively moving smoothly, and the rate changes in RA blend into each other. Easier said than done.

Probably the direct drive brings this nice sine, the Rainbow mounts show the same. The AMxx show the multiple harmonics, as you describe, probably because of their HD beltdrive system. The higher harmonics, will superimpose and can result in nasty slopes at certain frequency fractions. At least here the WD-xx are perfect.

@Groebi, I did a night of trials and, inspired by your post, dropped my guide rate to 0.25x.

I had very good results with PPEC, 0.5 second exposures, 0.05 min move ( ~0.1"), 360 second and 75/75 aggression on RA and Z-filter 8x, 0.05 min move. Even at low declination, it kept up with the tracking error, especially after a few frames. HFD on light frames were consistent for the entire night.
If I reduced the exposure time further, PHD2 was still only issuing a command every second, and that was with subframe rather than multistar. Multistar added another half second of delay to the evaluations. It would be useful to try and increase PHD2’s response, so I might disable unnecessary features and see if it makes a difference (like NINA’s tracking display etc).

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If you read the referenced article, the use of multi star tracking is what in theory enables using the faster guide pulses without having to worry as much about chasing seeing. That fact that the overhead from PHD2 is one second or more is certainly a problem. It is certainly an interesting problem when your guide frequency starts to approach the timescales of the system’s latency. At some point there is going to be a point of diminishing returns. Tracking with more stars helps with the uncertainty associated with Seeing, but increases the burden with respect to computational time. There is no free lunch. The first question I would have is how much of the latency you observed is due to the actual computations, how much is due to the operating system, and how much is due to hardware? Windows machines are NOTORIOUSLY inefficient with respect to interface in with equipment, without the help of specialized hardware. By dropping your guiding to 500 ms, you are asking each step of the guiding process to be accomplished in the 10’s of ms timescales. That is a lot to ask of the average laptop, let alone one of those little RPi boxes. I am guessing 1/2 a second is probably close to the best you can practically achieve with the standard way of doing things. Which is really amazing in a positive way when you consider the cost of the equipment involved. It is a very interesting question that is being considered here .

I certainly would not try it with an RPi. This is a quad core I5 NUC, the same spec as one would get in an Eagle5 Pro. Mind you, I have quite a large guide camera sensor, (QHY5III 178) and I probably don’t need something of that size. It might be time for a change.

That is certainly better than a RPi, I run a full Alienware lap top with and older I7 Duo cor(I think) 32 gigs of ram, SSD drives and USB3 connections and I would not be surprised if I see similar lag times as you. I suspect that Windows, then the efficiency of PHD2 are the primary bottlenecks, followed by hardware. Out of curiosity, are you running windows OS? It would be interesting to see if a Linux box would see the same lags.

Cheers! And Happy Thanksgiving!

Windows 11 Pro, with all the dross cleared out. I have a dual scope setup, which I use with Nina.