Problem for beginner wtih wd 20

Good evening everyone.I would have liked to take one or pictures but I have problems with the mount,
In that with with NINA and cartes, framing a star or a satellite (moon) it goes completely out , it doesn’t even come close nencio a bit.I must say that the mount is set as alt/az the time and coordinates are right.
Having said that I went to the forum and searched for something that would give me an idea of what was wrong I found a post of in that when I gave him serquanza settings with NINA he “beheaded” me 2 cables.
Going to read, on the forum I found a post by buzz where he pointed me to data to enter.
But when I enter them the mount still gives me errors.When starting the Mount Tool it gives me an invalid response, comparing them I have a safty and limits section empty and I ask you but how do I calculate the meridian from my position?

It is difficult to precisely understand what you have tried. You cannot connect ASCOM and the mount utility at the same time. If you are using a PC and simply try to connect to the mount using the Warp Astron Mount tool (version 1). It should connect. If it does not, then you need to check that you have installed the USB driver and that it is functioning in Windows device manager. I would do this first before trying NINA.
If you can get a reliable connection, disconnect the mount tool and open up the ASCOM properties for OnStep. The mount is dumb until it knows time and location. You either do this manually, through GPS (which does not always work in your location) or the hand controller (tedious) or enable the button in the ASCOM properties to upload the computer time to the mount. Check the location and timezone, noting that the timezone is backward in OnStep.
Home the mount first. It should hover around the home position to find the sensors. If it does not, turn tracking on and home a second time. If you are reasonably well polar aligned (sufficient with a compass and a smartphone), it should slew to the right area of the sky.

Hi Luca,

If you found tracking not worked well for the targets as you mentioned switched to AltAz mode, please check if also rotate the saddle 90 degrees.

To use AltAz mode, the mount’s saddle needs to be switched by rotate 90 degrees, you can do this by loosen the 4 M6 bolts and rotated it, then fasten it again.

As home position of AltAz mode and GEM work differently.

For invalid result returned by Mount Tool, it may due to mount on booting status, please try connecting mount about 15-20seconds after mount powering on. If you still have issue with this, please send mail to our support team for further checking.

WarpAstron Support Team

WarpAstron Support

Good day thanks for the reply

I must say that yesterday I tried in the three distinct ways (Altaz Gem and General … but the Diferenz what is it?) Then are acorus that ment the leg of the t ped was oriented to the north how should the chorement was the wheel of 45 degrees (what a stupid).
Now I will try to connect the Mout Tool about U MINTO as as a council after giving current to the frame.

I will have updated

Yesterday checking the frame I discovered that the base of trepiedi (but not one of the legs) being rotated, was not aligned in the North. So I tried with a compass and I must say that I slightly aligned myself better than the past few days.
Today if time allows it I want to try again