Polar alignment using ASIAIR

Hi all,

I just started using the WD-17 operated by the ASIAIR. During polar alignment the mount should slew 60 degrees, however mine stops at 28 degrees in the ASIAIR while the mount was rotated 60 degrees. Seems there is some mismatch/communication error going on. Has anyone of you observed this, and found any solution?
I tried to lower the slewing speed and just the allsky alignment instead which worked.

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Hi Arenda,

This is a typical bug of ASIAIR working with OnStep mounts. From our ASIAIR users practice, you can try below 2 optional solutions:

  1. Perform a home in your ASIAIR mounts control panel first once mount powered on, and then enable tracking, use manual control to move the mount a bit, then do homing again. After that, you can perform the polar alignment without the issue.

  2. When ASIAIR reports error during polar alignment, waiting for ASIAIR shown the error message, then perform a homing, do polar alignment again.

As ASIAIR is a close source controller and the manufacturer officially said will not solve any compatible issues with other brands. It’s hard to identify any cause of possible issues and solve it. Though some users use their ASIAIR worked fine with our mounts, while we also got the reports risky rotating due to plate solving failure of ASIAIR.

Based on related bugs/compatible issues reported by ASIAIR users using third party brands equipment.

We’ve addressed the possible compatible risk in our product user manual(refer to official website, download), and will not responsible for any ASIAIR compatible issues.
WARPDRIVE_WD20_Manual ENG V1.1 (warpastron.com)

WarpAstron Support

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This ASIAIR/WarpAstron incompatibility is a show-stopper for me as someone looking to select a new strain wave mount. I’m heavily invested already in ASIAIR products and other ZWO devices and need COMPLETE compatibilty with my new mount. I’d like to hear specifically how this incompatibility will be addressed before placing my order for a WD20. There has to be a very large number of people that feel the same way that I do. You’re significantly limiting your market until this issue is addressed one way or another. Thanks for listening!

For our mounts working with ASIAIR, in a short word: Yes, our mount can be used with ASIAIR, while there will be some possible issues that you need to be learn from it.

In fact, more than a thousand/80% users are using ASIAIR with OnStep mounts(including our mounts) in China. As our mount based on OnStep system like others OnStep mounts, OnStep can be used with ASIAIR. While most OnStep users using ASIAIR because they are familiar with issues and following best practices from community to solve/avoid it, as far as we know, some already known issues for working with ASIAIR:

  1. Polar alignment
  • Sometimes polar alignment will report error and refuse to move.
  • To avoid and solve this, you can manually enable tracking, moved mount a little via manual slew in ASIAIR, then home it, and then do PA
  • Normally it will not problem after following previous steps
  • Some users reports home issue no longer existed in their latest firmware of ASIAIR by Q1, 2024
  1. Homing
  • There are two drivers in ASIAIR developed by ZWO, OnStep and OnStep Electronic, users reports compatible behaviors by different driver and their version of ASIAIR. You may better to try which one works best for you.
  • Sometimes ASIAIR will refuse to home, with guiding still on, if you meet with homing issues, you can try stop guiding first.
  • And yet some users report WD-20 can go home in their ASIAIR, while others said failed.
  • If your ASIAIR version can’t home the mount, as an alternative solution, you can press the home button on WD-20 cover(press about 0.5s with blue status LED on), or use hand controller Menu->Goto->Goto home for homing the mount
  • Some users reports home issue no longer existed in their latest firmware of ASIAIR by Q1, 2024
  1. Possible solving failure
  • ASIAIR works normally ok for solving, as each capture/GOTO in ASIAIR will perform a solving that sync coordinates to mount.
  • While very few users’ ASIAIR failed to do solving and sync wrong coordinates to mount, which will lead malfunction of home position of mount. So you need to keep an eye on this to see if your ASIAIR’s version have this issue, or ever happened.
  • If you found your ASIAIR operation will mount will result in home position lost, or wrong Goto position, or RA/DEC coordinates shown on display of hand controller indicated wrong values from actual sky. You need to stop operation and check if this issue happened.

Above “issues” not really due to OnStep/our mount itself, these already been well-known in community, including other 3rd party brands’ mounts also may have these issues.

ASIAIR may act differently on different ASIAIR versions, so this is our kindly reminding for avoid potential risks, please understand we can’t guarantee issue-free of ASIAIR especially they officially announced they shouldn’t never support any 3rd brands’ equipments. That’s their policy, as ASIAIR is a black box which hard to find evidence/logs once issues happened, not like NINA/KStars etc. which can provide logs for investigation if a issues happened due to mount.

To use with ASIAIR depends on user themselves, it’s a good controller, while ASIAIR is a close system and OnStep drivers(OnStep/OnStep Electronics) in ASIAIR device list were developed by ZWO, not by us or from public party like ASCOM or INDI OnStep driver.

You can join our discord channels for asking more experience and practices from our users using ASIAIR.


Thank you for providing the information. I understand the situation now better. I have found in the meantime some solutions which works for me.

  1. after starup I click on Go home after that I turn tracking on and I slew a bit and platesolve and start PA. PA works.
  2. I had issues with automated meridian flip, after changing the settings in ekos and setting meridian flip to automate on HC, the WD-20 (I was able to test this mount) to perform the automated meridian flip as set by the ASIAIR.

The only thing left is that after I stop the autorun and click on GoHome, the mount is not going to its home position, it is not moving at all. Not even when I press the home button on the WD-20. That is something I still need to figure out.

After reading your information I am also curious, to test the mount with other control devices, such as iMate, Astro Station or Stellarmate.

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i tested my new WD-20 in combination with Asiair+ and my 10"/4.5 Newtonian and the latest Asi software (iOS). I have to note that the setup is 20kg without counterweight, the limit of the specs.

The following recipe worked in my case.

  1. Driver or mount selection:
    all tests where done with mount type OnStep Eectronic. (note: With the second OnStep option i had bigger issues, so i stopped testing this). Be sure to have set all limits to zero in the HC mount settings.

  2. Preparation
    switch on the Mount and make a HOME with the HC, switch on AsiAir. (Asiair will remember the position when starting as homeposition!). Make a Sync with the Asiair and stop using the HC anymore!!! The last is most important, due to my experience with other mounts (AVX, CEM70). Asiair has big problems and unpredictable behavior if you use any other control equipment or software while using the asiair. Asiair might loose randomly its position and will drive your equipment into Nirvana and a possible crash!
    After this I slew the mount , sync and return by HOME with the asiair. In my case a solving was never necessary.

  3. PA
    All Sky Polar was always working, including homing afterwards
    Standard PA was working but the deceleration of the mount after max slew is slow and when asiair starts the first picture the mount is not settled. With a second picture (refresh) it worked. With slewing rate 1/2max as setting in aisair it worked. After the following homing i usally make again a sync.

  4. Goto
    worked always, also homing. Both with or without active guiding. I do always a solve and a sync after a successful goto. Again from my experience in the last years, sync as much as you can whenever you slew, goto etc.

no problem, also with activated home after finishing

  1. Plan
    no problem, also with activated home after finishing. 3 objects, west, east and meridian flip

  2. meridian flip
    worked always, but you have to activate the Auto Flip DEC Output after Meridian in the guiding settings.

  3. Guiding
    guiding was always between 0.5-0.6 arcsec (analyzed PHD logfile) and this with 20kg !!! this is really amazing

Pay attention that you set all the limit values in the HC setting of the mount to small values or to 0 (in my case). If the Asiair moves the mount into the range within limits, the mount will stop and you will have to reset everything and use the HC to go home again.

I am still in the test mode when using the WD-20, but as you can see it worked for me perfect with the AsiAir. My conclusion it works perfect, if you follow point 2 Preparation and solving/syncing after slewing or goto. And… never use any other control Equipment or software in parallel to Aisair.

Hope this helps

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Here a new update of my test of WD-20 and Asiair+, after more than 10 nights without any issues and setup waiting in the morning in home position after a plan with several objects during session.

You have to follow 3 simple steps:

  1. switch on mount and make a GOTO HOME with the HC
  2. switch on AsiAir and select OnStep Electronic as mount driver
  3. make Sync to mount in the Asiair mount menue

That is all you have to do!!! In my case everything works, PA, autorun, goto, plan, any home. But take care:

IMPORTANT: Don’t use HC or any other software to control mount after step 1) together with Asiair !!! The AsiAir reacts very unpredictable if you don’t follow this general rule and it will randomly forget its position. As a consequence it will drive the mount into nirvana. This might happen also with other mount types to my experience.

Just for safety reason, I do a sync in Asiair preview or when using the skyatlas goto after a successful goto.

To use the standard PA I reduce slew rate 1/2max.

Activate Auto Flip DEC Output after Meridian

That is all and you can enjoy your mount with Asiair and sleep peaceful when your setup is working outside during the night until dawn.

Clear skies