Meridian flip value

I usually flip just past the South meridian, before it gets to 5 degrees past. The value in the mount setup is 5 degrees. For the Northern meridian, should the value be -5 or +5 to flip after it passes over? I have + 5 set in both cases and I suspect the mount flipped itself before my imaging app.

I think there is an issue with meridian flips on the mount, when going from West to East on the Northern meridian (for example passing under the celestial pole). Although I have set meridian limits for E and W, the mount is ignoring the setting and flipping by itself as it passes the meridian, going from Azimuth 359 degrees to 0 degrees (it is in GEM mode).

I confirmed this by connecting the mount to Nina, homing and slewing to Alt/Az +40/355 and letting it track (my latitude is +51). I was not running an imaging sequence, but just watched the telescope behaviour and its coordinate display. I am using the latest firmware and ASCOM driver on a WD20. The handset was not connected. I do not know if this a generic OnStep issue, or something particular to the WD20.

The meridian flips going from East to West facing South work as expected. I have enclosed my settings.