How can I frame the polar if I cannot see it?

Good evening everyone, after managing to figure out why Sixth Sense wasn’t working for me (thanks Filippo of primaluce) I now have to figure out how to pole the mount as this part of the sky is completely covered by the roof of the house.
I must also say that I have a view of about 130 degrees so I would have no difficulty in plate solving once I have solved that problem.
Also, and I don’t know if it depends on this or not, with one leg of the three-footer positioned to the north, and setting the mount to go towards the moon, it makes me drop the tube and go the other way completely.

Are You using your mount in polar aligned or alt-az-mode? If you intend to be polar aligned then you can use 3 step polar align in N.I.N.A to polar align without seeing the pole. Indi / ekos also has a plate solving polar alignment tool.

CS Brian

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