Half Hour Time Zone

Hey WarpAstron support, I have the unenviable situation to be living in a half hour time zone, so when setting my time zone in settings the only choices given to me are whole numbers. Would it be possible for your programmers to change that to include half hour time zones in a future firmware release? I live in Newfoundland and Labrador Canada which has a -2.5 time zone. There are a few other places around the world which also have half hour time zones.
Please and thanks.


Thanks for your feedback. For UTC offset, current parameter configuration indeed not support half numbers. As considering most control software and ASCOM also need to compatible with this.

Basically, the UTC offset won’t impact operation of the mount, as normally mount use UTC time and longitude, date info to calculate the Local Sideral Time for mount operations. Local time based on UTC and Offset mainly for showing correct local time to you.

So if your control software sync the time/date via syncing UTC time(for most software), the actual operation will not be impact.

We will also look into this and consider it in future development if applicable.


Hi, I have bricked my mount after trying to update the firmware, can you help me to fix this, please. I am not not sure how I will see where you reply to me on this platform so I will give you my email address here as well if you could copy any message you make there I will be sure to get it. I will monitor this platform to see if I can figure out where you would answer my request. I have no idea how it happened unless I used the wrong “bin” file when trying to update the firmware to the latest 20.22 version. I could really use some help.

Sorry, my email is rbabb@nl.rogers.com