Bricked Mount when attempting firmware upgrading

Hi, I have made a mistake in trying to load the latest firmware and now the mount won’t respond. Please help.


Please send a ticket to our support team with more info, and our team will be able to schedule a remote desktop support with you.

WarpAstron Support

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I don’t know what a “ticket” is, or how to make one or if there is a special place to send it. I did go to the web site and there clicked on make contact which brought up a screen where I had to put my first and last name as well as my mount’s serial number and email address and a short message about my issue. Is there a telephone number where I can call? I do need help with my mount for sure.


We checked records and found 2 tickets you submitted, and replied to you on first one and ask you about file name and tools you used for cause the issue. Please check if the message possibly in your junk mailbox.

And our support team also replied to you hours ago, about a suggested remote support schedule for you.


WarpAstron Support Team

I do remember seeing that email and I know I replied with information including screen grabs when I was on the mounts PC out in my shed, but I can’t find it anymore. I notice I get a different looking screen if I log into Discord than the screen here on my laptop which is where I go to your website and click on the forum link, not sure why they are different, and wonder if that’s why I only see the conversation on this page. I am not trying to be difficult, I don’t know why I am having trouble with seeing the communication you refer to. From here on forward I will only use my laptop which is in my warm house, it’s -10 today in my shed where the scope / mount and mini PC is loacted. So I will have to remove the mount and bring it inside my home and then will be able to connect it to this laptop. The mount was flashed with the 2022 bin file but then the HC would not work, stuck on loading Onstep forever, so I also tried to flash the mount flash bin file but again the same result. I think it would be best to have your tech support set up a remote connection with me, then guide me through to get it working properly. I will get dressed now in winter cloths and go out to remove the Mount from my set up and bring it in to my house so I will have it ready. I am sorry for my confusion, I was looking for a box on the (chat program discord) named “Ticket” to submit a ticket, I am not familiar with Discord or chat programs, I usually only use email. When I see your email reply and click on it, then it opens this page, so I’ll wait to see a new email from your Tech person who does the remote hookup stuff and hopefully all will be smooth after that. Robert.

I see some reasons for confusion now. If I use the “Discord app” I see a category of “Operating Questions” that is not listed under categories of the forum linked from your website. I used both at different times thinking they were the same, so you also might not have seen my reply where I attached screen shots. From now forward I will only respond when I see an email from you and click the link there that takes me to your official chat.


Mail, Discord and Forum are different systems, for avoiding messages apart, please use Mails ( or PM directly to “WarpAstron Support” in Discord for following this case. So we can catch up all messages.

Our team just sent a reminding mail to your mailbox minutes ago, please check if you can receive it(also checking your junk mail box), and if you failed to find it, please directly send message to our support member on Discord via PM, in case messages missed in open channel chatting.


WarpAstron Support

Hi, I have been in touch with one of your support team via email. One thing I found out was that many of your team are on holiday because this time of year is the Chinese New Year celebrations. So I was asked to be understanding about that and I said I would. So I will be watching the calendar and will email your support team again after the holiday period is over to then get my mount fixed up and running again. Enjoy your New Year.
Robert (astrobabb).

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your understanding, our support team also sent a new mail to you yesterday morning here, please check recommendations in mail.

Though we’re on holiday and may be hard to provide immediate Remote Desktop Connection support, we still arrange some members for on duty of mail support for our users, please feel free to contact with us.

WarpAstron Support Team